Good luck with youre election today. May you get what you vote ! And may youre president be with you. We have a prime minister we wanna trade, any bids ??
Veteran BBC broadcaster John Peel has died at the age of 65, while on holiday in Peru. Peel, whose radio career spanned 40 years, was on a working holiday in the city of Cuzco with his wife Sheila when he suffered a heart attack. In the pre internet time, I could only receive BBC1 during the wintertime on my old radio, But all thew evenings he made enjoyable....... Only way to hear Beefheart/Zappa and other not so comercial artist on the radio.. Miss him !!!!
After following various foras I want to refrase the saying " I think , therfore I am " It seems to me that a lot of people dont think for themselves. They just adopt other peoples thoughts. So from now on , its : " I wonder , therfore I am ". And that my friends , is crucial today. I wonder where I left my lunch box
Why we turn down the car radio when we're driving around looking for an adress ? If someone with a split personality threaten to kill them selves , is it then a hostage situation ? When transporting something with a ship its called cargo , and in a car its called shippment ? If a mute child curses , will his mother wash his hands ? Why is it a pair of pants , but just A shirt ? If a shop is open 24/7/365 , why are there locks on the doors ? Why is dyslectcks so hard to spell ? Why...
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Today I have decided that my OS/2 machine will be removed from my office. RIP
A good song ;> Should be heard !
Did you know that both Iran and Norway are governed by priests ?
Did you ever think about this. Everybody has a different pattern of finger prints , DNA ( not completly) and iris layout. Where in the evolution did that come from ?Did man have any use of that before someone did a crime ? Dont believe that GOD thought about that, dont believe in him/here period ! BUT if we are parts of a gigantic software program............................... Did Douglas Adams know more than he told us ? Is it DEEP THOUGHT that created the human race ? 42
Hey everybody.A little fun for the weekend ? Check out the link
Hey everybody.A little fun for the weekend ? Check out the link
If PRO is the oposite of CON. Is then PROGRESS the oposite of CONGRESS ?
If PRO is the oposite of CON. Is then PROGRESS the oposite of CONGRESS ?
It worked last time , so why not try again. The Bushes makes Florida "safe"
I'm out of the office for 3 weeks. Thats it, film at 11pm.