lets see what developes
Oh no , not again
Published on June 2, 2004 By Marten Langbraten In
Why does Mona Lisa smile ?

For generations this question have been asked. Many have given theyre conclusions to this eternal question.
BUT why does it matter ? She's happy about something, thats it ! End of discussion.
In all kinds of art , people are trying to decode what the deeper meaning artists have in theyre artwork.
I say for most artists, its like this: Hey that was a nice picture ! or: Catchy tune I'll see if I can come up with more like this.
Its only what you see or hear, theres no more, nada, zilch. Now , can we have lunch ?

on Jul 17, 2004
mr Langbraten
ý do not know how much you understand from art but you claim that she is happy.because of that she smiles.but if you look at the famous painting more carefully than you did(!) you will see that smile is not always there. so what kind of a solution you offer this time. according to the proffesors(ex:margaret livingstone) this smile is because of the photoreceptors that our eyes have. there are two kinds of vision of our eyes:foveal and peripheral vision. shadows can be seen by peripheral vision.and the smile comes with peripheral vision goes if you look at directly with foveal vision. ý think leonardo da vinci is a great artist and keeps some secrets in his paintings and in his art.
on Jul 17, 2004
mr Langbraten
ý do not know how much you understand from art but you claim that she is happy.because of that she smiles.but if you look at the famous painting more carefully than you did(!) you will see that smile is not always there. so what kind of a solution you offer this time. according to the proffesors(ex:margaret livingstone) this smile is because of the photoreceptors that our eyes have. there are two kinds of vision of our eyes:foveal and peripheral vision. shadows can be seen by peripheral vision.and the smile comes with peripheral vision goes if you look at directly with foveal vision. ý think leonardo da vinci is a great artist and keeps some secrets in his paintings and in his art.
on Jul 17, 2004
Bob Dylan answered that, Cuz she's got the highway blues, you can see it in the way she smiles...

Dyl x
on Jul 17, 2004
Maybe someone said, "Cheese!"